Asphalt Hot Recycling Repair Seminar

2023-08-08 10:42:42 ENUO

crack sealing machine

Recently, the road maintenance department of our city conducted a demonstration of asphalt pavement thermal regeneration repair on the main roads in the urban area, and different types of trailer asphalt hot recycling maintenance equipment carried out the operation demonstration on site.

crack sealing machine

Relevant persons in charge of various competent departments introduced the working conditions of asphalt hot recycling equipment and the standardized repair process of asphalt pavement, etc. The on-site participants exchanged experience with each other, and everyone expressed that they should learn from the experience of this hot recycling equipment operation, and strive to improve the quality of maintenance of asphalt pavement potholes, subsidence and other diseases in their respective jurisdictions.

crack sealing machine

In our country, a large amount of waste asphalt is produced every year in the maintenance of expressways and national and provincial highways. This part of recycled materials is an important part of the circular economy. If it cannot be disposed of in a timely and effective manner, it will not only waste a lot of resources, but also cause secondary damage to the environment. If conditions permit, widely adopt asphalt pavement thermal regeneration repair technology for pavement maintenance, not only can save a large part of the cost of pavement maintenance, but also has important significance for environmental protection.