Hot in-place recycling construction steps (part 3)

2023-09-12 09:43:23 ENUO

(5) Mixing and transportation of newly added asphalt mixture

The raw materials of new asphalt mixture should be tested before mixing and can be put into use only after passing the test. The asphalt mixture is mixed according to the ratio provided by the laboratory, and then loaded into the dump truck after mixing.

Asphalt mixture is transported using heavy-duty dump vehicles, with insulation layers added around the carriages. After loading the dump truck, use quilts and canvas to cover the mixture to prevent excessive temperature loss. The temperature of the material should be around 160°C to 170°C. Record it before transporting it to the construction site.

(6) Paving

The mixture should be paved immediately behind the remixer. The paver should be positioned based on the original road surface, and the screed should be placed on the pre-designed wooden pads with a thickness of 1.0cm. Our equipment uses an independent paver. The screed is heated and adjusted before paving. The equalizing beam is accurately debugged and various sensors are checked for sensitivity. After all preparations are completed, paving begins. When paving, the amount of mixture in the conveying spiral must be controlled. Generally, it is appropriate for the mixture to bury two-thirds of the conveying spiral. The paving speed is controlled at 2.5m-3.5m/min, and the paving temperature must not be lower than 120°C.

(7) Seam treatment

After the paver is passed, manual processing is used for the raised parts on both sides. Treatment principle: After rolling, it should be level with the original road surface, and there should be no shortage of material.

(8) Rolling of recycled pavement

For initial pressure, use a double-drum roller to press once statically and then vibrate twice. The driving speed is controlled at 1.5-2.5km/h, the stacked wheels are 1/2 to 1/3 wide, the return distance does not exceed 20m, and the rolling temperature is controlled at about 120°C. For re-pressing, use a tire roller to roll it 4 times, with the stacked wheels 1/2 to 1/3 wide, and the driving speed controlled at 2-2.5km/h. The final pressing uses a double drum roller to statically press the smooth surface to eliminate indentations. The final pressing temperature should be above 90°C, and the driving speed should be controlled at 2.5km/h. The rolling must be done carefully to ensure that the compaction meets the design requirements.

During the construction process, it is strictly forbidden for the roller to turn around or turn on the newly formed road surface, and it is strictly forbidden to stop the roller on the uncompacted road surface. To prevent the roller from sticking, spray a small amount of surfactant solution such as soapy water onto the roller. Traffic can be opened when the road surface temperature drops below 50°C.

(9) Road cleaning

After the road rolling is completed, two full-time personnel will be assigned to clean up the waste materials and debris on the road to keep the road clean after construction.